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Welcome to the Department of Electrical Engineering

Name : Dr. Mini Rajeev
Qualification : Ph.D (IIT Bombay)
Designation : Asso. Prof. & Associate Dean Students & Alumni
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Date of joining : 7 July 1995

Scopus ID: 57188562293 

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Web Of Science Researcher id: T-7585-2019

Power Electronics and Power System

UG Subjects

Sr no Subject Semester
3 Electrical Networks (ELEC and EXTC) III
4 Electrical Tech. & Instruments (EXTC) III
5 Electrical Measurements III
6 Electrical Machines I IV
7 Industrial Electronics (MECH) IV
8 Logic Circuits IV
9 Control Systems V
10 Electrical Machines II V
11 Power Electronics VI
12 Electrical Machines III VI
13 ADSMC (Elective) VII
14 Drives and Control VIII

PG Subjects

Sr no Subject Semester
1 Power Electronic Technologies I
2 Power Semiconductor Devices and Converters I
3 Power Electronics Converters I
4 Modern Power Electronic Converters II
5 Advanced Power Electronic Converters II
Sr No Title Description
1An input current shaper with boost and flyback converter using integrated magnetics
The Fifth International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems, 2003. PEDS 2003.
2Design and Implementation of MPPT System for Battery Charging Application using Solar Panel
International Conference Renewable Energy Asia-2008 (REA 2008), IITDelhi,11-13, Dec. 2008.
3A comparative study of Boost and Buck Converter Topologies for Solar Photovoltaic Standalone Systems
National Conference on Alternate Energy Sources”, Pune,31 Jan. 2009.
4A study of replacing CFL by LED light for Solar Powered Street Light in Standalone Systems
NCNTE 2010, Fr.C.R.I.T.,Vashi
5Design Considerations of a Solar Powered Street Light for Standalone PV Systems
CCPE 2010, Chennai,28-29,July, 2010.
6Economic Feasibility of solar powered street light using high power LED –A case study
International conference ICREU-2012,Coimbatore
7Performance of solar powered HPLED lamp for indoor lighting-A Case Study
International conference ISG-2012, Pune.
8Design and Simulation of three phase Inverter for grid connected Photovoltic systems
National conference NCNTE-2012, Fr.C.R.I.T.,Vashi.
9Design and Implementation of driver circuit for high power LED
National conference NCNTE-2012,Fr.C.R.I.T.,Vashi.
10Fuel Cell based Power supply system for Residential Applications
National Conference NIRMAN 2013, A. C. P.C.E, Navi Mumbai
11Design and implementation of PMBLDC motor for solar powered pumps
RACEM-2013, V.I.T, Mumbai
12Comparison of three different topologies of a five level Multi level inverter
NCNTE-2015, Fr.C.R.I.T.
13The implementation of a microcontroller based boost converter for Photovoltaic interface
Int. Journal on Recent trends in Engineering and Technology, vol.6,no.2,Nov.2011,ACEEE,USA.
14Effect of luminaries and Heat sink on the performance of PV powered HPLED lighting for Indoor Applications
Int. Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, vol.6, no.2,June 2013.
15Modeling Simulation and Design of Photovoltaic Array with MPPT Control Techniques
Int. Journal of Applied Power Engineering, vol.3,no.1, 41-50,2014.
16Single Phase Transformer-less Inverter and its Closed Loop Control for Grid Connected PV Applications
Int.journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Systems, vol.3, no.5,2015.
17Comparative Evaluation of Cascaded Half-Bridge Multilevel DC-Link Inverter and Conventional H Bridge Multilevel Inverter
Int. Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, vol.3, no.10, Oct.2015.
18Introduction to Multilevel DC-Link Inverter and Comparison of Switching Strategies for Cascaded Half Bridge Multilevel DC-Link Inverter
International Journal of Global Technology Initiatives,vol.5,no.1,B18-B16,2016.
19Novel transformer-less inverter topology for single-phase grid connected photovoltaic system
2015 IEEE 42nd Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), New Orleans, LA, 2015, pp. 1-5.
20Closed loop Control of Novel Transformer-less Inverter Topology for Single Phase Grid Connected Photovoltaic system,
IEEE PECI 2016, Illinois,USA, pp. 1-7, Feb. 2016.
21Current Source Inverter with reduced leakage current for Transformer-less Grid -PV interface
7th Power India Int. Conference IEEE PIICON 2016, Bikaner,25-27, Nov. 2016.
22Implementation of multilevel DC-link inverter for standalone application”
Int. conference, ICNTE-2017, Fr.C.R.I.T.,Vashi, Jan 2017.
23Realization of a novel single phase grid-PV interfaced inverter
IEEE Int. conference, CCUBE-2017, Bangalore,15-17, Dec.2017.
24A Multi-Port Half Bridge DC-DC Converter for PV Application
Int. Journal of Electrical Electronics & Computer Science Engineering Volume 4, Issue 6, Dec.2017
25Single Phase Current Source Inverter with Multi Loop Control for Transformer-less Grid -PV Interface
accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions in Industrial Applications
26A Novel Single Stage Zero Leakage Current Transformer less Inverter for Grid Connected PV Systems
2015 IEEE 42nd Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), New Orleans, LA, 2015, pp. 1-5.
27Renewable Energy Application of Push Pull Converter
ALL INDIA SEMINAR on R ecent Trends in Renewable Energy Application & Research, The Institution of Engineers (India) Gujarat State Centre,Feb.2018
28 “Active Power Decoupling method using active buffer in a single phase Photovoltaic (PV) inverter”, International Conference,
EIT- 2017, New Delhi, June 2017.
29Analysis and control of a novel transformer-less micro-inverter for PV-Grid interface
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics
30Low Voltage Ride-Through Capability of a Novel Grid Connected Inverter Suitable for Transformer-Less Solar PV–Grid Interface
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 2799-2806, May-June 2020, doi: 10.1109/TIA.2020.2979134
31Implementation of Bidirectional DC-DC converter and Inverter fo Drive
Conference on Energy and sustainable development Feb 14-15, 2020
32Low Voltage Ride-Through Capability of a Novel Grid Connected Inverter Suitable for Transformer-less solar PV grid interface
8th IEEE Int. conference IICPE-2018, MNIT, Jaipur,13-15th Dec.2018.
33Harmonic Compensation by Transformer-less Grid- tied PV inverter using Conservative Power Theory
5th IEEE Int. conference for Convergence in Technology, I2CT2019, Pune, 29th-31st Mar.2019.
34A Single Phase Inverter with Improved Gain Suitable for Transformer-Less PV Grid Interface
Int. Conference, ICATE-2019, DMCE, Navi-Mumbai, 4-5th April 2019.
35Experimental Validation of a Transformer-less Inverter with improved gain for Grid-PV Interface
NPEC-2019, NIT Trichi,13-15th Dec. 2019
36A survey of Current Source Inverter Topologies and Control Schemes for Grid connected Photovoltaic Systems
Int. Conference, ICATE-2020, DMCE, Navi Mumbai, 3rd April 2020.
37Article on “Solar Photovoltaic Systems”
IEI Souvenir, Jan. 2020
38An Investigation in to the Parasitic Influence on the Performance of Buck-Boost converter
ICNTE-2021, 15-16th, Jan.2021.
39Design and Implementation of a Compact DC-DC Converter for powering FPGAs
IEEE CONECCT, IEEE Bangalore section, 9-11th July 2021
40Small Scale Implementation of Smart Farming using Internet of Things
accepted for publication in SAMRIDDHI, A Journal for Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology (S-JPSET), UGC Care llsit-1, 2021.
Sr No Name of Research Project Type of Grant Name of funding Organization Amount (Rs.) Duration
1 Solar Powered Street Light Minor Research Grant Fr.C.R.I.T, Vashi 44500/- 2008-2010
2 Implementation of a Single phase transformer-Less Grid Tied Inverter with improved gain Minor research grant University of Mumbai 45,000/- 2018-2019
3 Compact DC to DC converter for Powering FPGA systems Funded project Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai 38,964/- 2020- 2022
4 Transformer Testing time reduction with common testing leads via switch box Need based project Tata Power Co. Ltd., Mumbai. 13,605/- 2022- 2023

Fr. C. Rodrigues Institute of Technology

Agnel Technical Education Complex
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Maharashtra, India
PIN - 400703

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