Trulli Trulli Trulli Trulli

Department of Electrical Engineering



Details of innovative teaching activities is given below:


Innovative Teaching Summary -FH 2024


Name of the Faculty


Innovative method used


Dr. Bindu S

Power System Protection & Switchgear

 MCB, MCCB, CB are given as Flip class, Numeric relay and static relay as self-study, SF6 and Vacuum CG through a guided worksheet.


Dr. Mini Rajeev

Power Electronic Devices & Circuits

Demonstration of Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) unit and UPS of Personal Computer in the class to enhance the practical knowledge of Power Electronic Converter application.


Dr. Bindu R

Electrical AC Machines I

• Good videos showing the construction and working principle of both three phase transformer and induction motor were shared with students. A discussion was done on the same in the practical session while demonstrating the different parts of the three phase distribution transformer available in the lab. Similarly, dismantled parts of both squirrel cage and slip ring induction motors were demonstrated.
• To give an idea about different transformer connections, three 1Φ transformers are taken, polarity tests are conducted and connected them to obtain Dy11 (vector group) transformer. Before doing the actual experiment, an additional exercise is done with sticks to form various vector groups. Also, open delta (V-V) connection is done using two single-phase-transformers.
The class is divided into 6 groups and the identified fast learners were motivated to  guide the other members of the group.
•To create interest and to improve the level of understanding of the students, a group activity is conducted. A power point presentation is taken where the topics to be presented in the class are shared in advance with students. The class is divided into 6 groups and the identified fast learners were given the responsibility of coordination of each group.


Dr. Mahendra Rane

Electrical System Design, Management and Auditing

Visual clip on HT cable jointing is shown for the better understanding about skill set requirement during HT cable jointing process.
For better understanding on real aspects of Electrical engineering drawings, BOQ, institute electrical installations drawings including SLD, panel drawings and BOQ were shown and discussed. Also, Institute substation visit conducted for better insight about distribution substation. To understand Electricity commercial bill and various terms associated with it, Institute electricity bills were shown and discussed to give real aspects of the terms. Small quiz conducted based on the activity.


Dr. Mini K. Namboothiripad

Control System Design

As a group activity, Lag/Lead/Lag-lead compensator design algorithm with bode-plot is coded and simulated using MATLAB for a boost/buck converter. (using the specifications and transfer functions given by TI manual). And analysed the response using Simulink by connecting the designed compensator in loop with the converter.


Sreedevi S Nair

Micro Controller Applications

A set of application based questions were given to the class. Each student has to simulate one application and present the result.


Ruchi Harchandani

Signals and Systems

A presentation on Applications of Signals and Systems.


Seema Jadhav

Lighting System Design

Seminar / Presentation: Seminar topics were given to the students consisting of 2 students in each group on Lighting System Design on real life applications


Rashmi Kale

Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicle

  Flip Class and Group Discussion
Identified three students from each batch as leaders and made groups according to batches. Conducted group  discussion on following points:
1.Need of EVs and HEVs.2.Issues in EVs and HEVs. 3.Methods of Coupling in HEV. 4.Advantages and limitations of each type of HEV. 5.National EV model and International EV model. 6. National HEV model and International HEV model


Divya Sajeesh

Digital Electronics

Simulation in Virtual lab was given to the students for better understanding of the topic


Rajendra Soni

Automation and Control

Video Lectures were shown for better understanding of theory concepts.


Misbah Khan

Electrical Vehicle System Design

1. ADVISOR has been developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. It is a tool that can be used to evaluate and quantify the vehicle level impacts of advanced technologies applied to vehicles.
2. It provides the vehicle engineering community with an easy-to-use and flexible, yet robust and supported analysis package for advanced vehicle modeling.
3. It is primarily used to quantify the fuel economy, performance, and emissions of vehicles that use alternative technologies, specifically EV/ HEV architectures.
4. It uses three primary graphical user interface (GUI) screens to guide the user through the simulation process. With the GUIs, the user can iteratively evaluate the impacts of vehicle parameters and drive cycle requirements the GUIs facilitate interaction with the raw input and output data that is present in the MATLAB workspace.
5. The vehicle model is depicted graphically using Simulink block diagrams to define the connections between components. The model then reads the input data from the MATLAB workspace during the simulation and outputs the results to the workspace to be viewed in the results window.


Nikita Jadhav

Energy Storage

Students formed groups and gave presentations on selected topics based on application.


Innovative Teaching Summary - SH 2023 


Name of the Faculty 


Innovative method used 

Dr Bindu S 

HVDC Transmission Systems 

Flip class on Harmonics and its impact on power system. Videos from NPTEL are shared to students to understand the concepts related to the shared topics and a test is conducted based on the topics.


Dr. Mini Rajeev 

Advanced Power Electronics 

Activity: Case study based on industry requirements. A set of requirements from industry was given and students were told to propose a solution meeting the stated requirements.  


Dr. Bindu R 

Electrical Drives and Control 

Group Activity: One month was given to the groups for discussion and preparation of their selected electrical drive application. This is done to create interest and to improve the level of understanding of the students.  
Select any one Drive Application, Do the literature survey for the same. Identify the different parts of the drive. List out the Components selected. Give justification for the selection. Find out the modifications possible.  
All the students participated in the power point presentations done at the end of one month and the presentation slides are submitted.


Dr. Mahendra Rane 

Electrical Power System I 

Small Visual shown to students related to different power generation plants 


Dr. Mahendra Rane 

Energy Audit and Management 

As the subject is interdisciplinary, small visual related to electrical and mechanical systems shown for better understanding about the basics 


Dr. Mini K. Namboothiripad 

Digital Control System 

Students presented seminars on Control Application in Electric vehicles, Voltage stabilization etc using various controllers such as PID controller, model predictive controller etc. 


Dr. Mini K. Namboothiripad 

 Control System 

Assignments are given to students related to bode plot which they should plot and analyze manually and should be verified using MATLAB. 

Sreedevi S Nair 

Analog Electronics 

A set of semiconductor based electronic circuits and op-amp based circuits were given to the class. Students were asked to do simulation of the given circuits in LTspice software and submit report on the same. 

Ruchi Harchandani 

Electrical Power System II 

Flip class was conducted on Z bus matrix formation. Students found Z bus matrix topic difficult. The topic was discussed with one bright student and the students conducted a session of 2 hrs in the supervision of faculty.    


Seema Jadhav 

Electrical Power System III 

Complex problems were allotted to students group wise on Gauss-Siedel method for Load Flow Analysis, AGC and Power system stability. 


Rashmi Kale 

Electromagnetic Fields and Waves 

Flip Class and Group Discussion on Applications of Electromagnetic field and waves


Divya Sajeesh 

Electrical Circuit Analysis 

The class was divided into groups of 10. Each group was given an electrical network that had to be solved and analyzed using software. The students have to submit the report with the analysis of the results obtained. 


Rajendra Soni 


Fundamentals of Electrical Machines & Measurements 

An assignment of 10 Gate questions mixed in nature on machines and measurements portion was given which they have to submit and explain the solution. Also one design problem on conversion and range extension of PMMC instrument as a voltmeter was given to students and the same was verified experimentally and converted into an experiment. 


Abhishek Shiwalkar 

Electrical AC Machines-II 

Seminar by students on Applications of Synchronous Machines. A group of maximum five students was formed and students gave seminar on any application of Synchronous Machines. 


Misbah Khan 

Micro grid and smart grid 

SemiSel is the Semikron Danfoss online simulation tool was demonstrated for losses and temperature calculation as well as for optimum power electronic component selection. 


Nikita Jadhav 

Renewable Energy Sources  

Flipped classroom on Module 6: Students formed groups and selected the topics for presentation. All groups presentation was evaluated. 


Innovative Teaching Summary - FH 2023  


Name of the Faculty 


Innovative method used 

Dr Bindu S 

Power System Protection and Switchgear 

Air circuit breakers, SF6 circuit breakers, vacuum circuit breakers (working principle, Construction, operating mechanisms, ratings & applications) are given as flip class.  

Link of the Video Lecture by prof  Dr Thrupathiraju Kanumuri, NIT Delhi had been shared with students through Microsoft teams.

Students are asked to prepare the notes and demonstrate the working of air CB during lab. A quiz has been taken to evaluate the knowledge  

Dr. Mini Rajeev 

Power Electronic Devices & Circuits

Application oriented question and its solution 

Dr. Bindu R 

Electrical AC Machines 1 

As a group activity, the topics to be presented in the class are shared with students. This is done to create interest and to improve the level of understanding of the students. 
The class is divided into 6 groups and the identified fast learners were given the responsibility of coordination of each group.


Dr. Mini K. Namboothiripad 

Control System Design

To make students confident with the design of gain, lag and lead compensators with bode-plot the following teaching technique is implemented: 
1. The entire class with a strength of 67 students is divided into 17 groups (with maximum 4 students in each group) and separate set of questions provided for each group 
2. Submissions are taken during lab time (as mentioned). During the submission, each student in the group need to explain all the three questions allotted to the group. 


Sreedevi S Nair 

Microcontroller Applications 

A set of application oriented questions was given to class. Students were asked to simulate any one application using PIC micro controller and submit the report.(Group activity) 


Seema Jadhav 

Digital Electronics 

• Students were given course projects  
• Students need to demonstrate the output during lab  
• Prepare report with contents including Aim, Apparatus, Circuit diagram, Truth table, Procedure and Conclusion in Printed format  


Seema Jadhav  

Lighting System Design  

Presentation on Real life application in Lighting System Design  


Rashmi Kale 

Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles 

 Flip Class: Shared the information and material on different types of hybrid electric vehicles to the class which consist of  
1. Series HEV 
2. Parallel HEV 
3. Series Parallel HEV 
4. Complex HEV 
Group Discussion: Identified 11 students as leaders as mentioned in attendance sheet and made groups. There was discussion on following points 
1. Method of coupling 
2. Advantages and limitations of each type of HEV 


Divya Sajeesh 

Signals and systems 

Students were divided into groups and each groups were given topics to write program in any software. Topics were chosen from the syllabus. Each groups have to analyze the simulation results and submit the report  


Nikita Jadhav  

High Voltage Engineering  

Students selected topics and gave presentations on the selected topics.  A field visit to high voltage lab is arranged to visualize and understand topics covered in theory.


Innovative Teaching Summary – SH 2022


Name of the Faculty


Innovative method used


Dr. Mini Rajeev

Advanced Power Electronics


Seminar by students on Applications of Power Electronic Converters based on Papers Published/ Industry training


Dr. Bindu R.

Electrical Drives and Control

Group Activity to identify drive parts for different applications


Dr. Mahendra Rane

Electrical Power System-I  

Small Visual clips related to power plants, touch,step potentials etc.


Ms. Misbah Khan

Renewable Energy Sources


1. Introduction to simulation software: PVsyst


2.Field visit: 100 KW Solar PV installation (In Campus)


Innovative Teaching Summary: SH-2021   


Name of Faculty  


Innovative method used  

Dr. Sushil Thale  


Team Project  

Dr. Bindu R.  

Drives and Control  

Real life application analysis in groups  

Dr. Mini K. Namboothiripad  

Industrial Controller  

Group Activity: Prepare PPT based on the Topic assigned and present it in the class. And design with ladder diagram  

Dr. Mahendra Rane  

Electrical Power System-I  

Present and discuss visual clip of real plant for better understanding  


Dr. Mahendra Rane  

Energy Audit & Management  

Present and discuss visual clip of real utilities for better understanding  


Divya M  


Tutorials and simulations  


 Sreedevi Nair  

Renewable Energy Sources  

Group wise presentation  


Ruchi H.  

Control System   

Group Project  


 Seema Jadhav  

Power System-III  

Complex Problem Analysis  


 Harshada Bhosale 

Analog Electronics  

Group wise presentation.  


Divya S.  

Electrical Power System -II  

Quiz Competition  


 Rajendra  Soni

Electromagnetic Fields and Waves 

Gate Questions Discussed  


Abhishek  Shiwalkar

AC Machines-2  

Seminar Presentations  


Innovative Teaching Summary: FH-2022  


Name of Faculty  


Innovative method used  


Dr. Bindu S  

Electric Traction  

Flip Class: Each student group presented and evaluated by other groups  


Dr. Mini Rajeev  

Power Electronic Devices & Circuits

An application oriented question was given to the students to solve in class.  


Dr. Bindu R.  

Electrical AC Machines I  

Group Activity: Prepare PPT based on the Topic assigned and present it in the   



Dr. Mini K. Namboothiripad  

Control System Design  

A group research activity  to understand the application of PI controllers for converters  


Dr. Mahendra Rane  


Institute Substation visit and submit a report based on that  


Mrs. Sreedevi Nair  

Microcontroller Applications 

A group activity done to understand the real time applications of PIC Microcontrollers  


Mrs. Seema Jadhav  

Illumination Engineering  

Seminar presentation on real life application  


Ms. Harshada Chavan  

Energy Storage  

Understand practical HESS systems implemented for different types of applications and submit a report in groups.  


Ms. Divya S.  

Signals and Systems  

Students groups were given topics to write program in MATLAB. Topics were chosen from the syllabus. Each groups have to analyze the simulation results and submit the report  


Ms. Misbah Khan  

Digital Electronics  

2-bit comparator circuit was simulated using   



Faculty Email-id



Faculty Name



Dr.Bindu S.


Dr.Sushil Thale


Dr.Mini Rajeev


Dr.Bindu R.


Dr.Mahendra Rane


Dr.Mini Namboothiripad


Sreedevi Nair


Ruchi Harchandani


Seema Jadhav


Rashmi Kale


Divya Sajeesh


Rajendra Soni


Abhishek Shiwalkar


Misbah Khan


Nikita Nimbalkar


Anju Sreenivasan


 Instructional Material

-LATEX workshop organized by Electrical Engineering department for final year students. Clink on the link below to see the  lecture.

-Workshop on BASIC TO ADVANCE OF MS EXCEL, organized by Electrical Engineering Student’s Association(2020-21).Clink on the link below to see the lecture.

-Three minute video challenge conducted by Dr. Mini Rajeev for subject Power Electronic Devices and Circuits. Clink on the link below to see the video.



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